Carluccidirettore@rivistageomedia.itOpen Journal Systems<p>Rivista italiana di geomatica e geografia intelligente.</p><p><em>GEOmedia</em><span> è la prima rivista italiana di </span>geomatica a carattere scientifico-divulgativo<span>. Da quasi 20 anni pubblica argomenti collegati alle tecnologie dei processi di acquisizione, analisi e interpretazione dei dati, in particolare strumentali, relativi alla superficie terrestre. In questo settore GEOmedia affronta temi culturali e tecnologici per l'operatività degli addetti ai settori dei sistemi informativi geografici e del </span>catasto<span>, della </span>fotogrammetria<span> e cartografia, della geodesia e topografia, del </span>telerilevamento <span>aereo e spaziale, con un approccio tecnico-scientifico e divulgativo.</span></p> Primo "Drone" Fotogrammetrico2025-03-26T15:33:06+01:00Attilio<p>It was the end of the century, or rather the millennium. We were in the large lecture hall of the Technical University of Stuttgart, in Keplerstra?e. Many were the participants in one of the last biennial “Photogrammetrische Woche”, governed by Carl Zeiss since the beginning.<br>Next to me was Friedrich Ackermann, who until 1992 had been director of the Institute of Photogrammetry and was now happily retired.<br>We had been on first name terms (duzen, in German) ever since he had been a guest of Professor Luigi Mussio and myself at the Milan Polytechnic (I talk about it in my little book “Topografi e fotogrammetri fra cronaca e storia”, published by Maggioli. “Fritz” was two years younger than me). There was a new speaker on the stage and suddenly a kind of toy with propeller<br>engines rose into the air, a real but very small helicopter, to the amazement of those present but not of Fritz who was well aware of it.</p>2025-03-26T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cartografia Regionali a Confronto2025-03-26T15:41:32+01:00Attilio<p>It all started, here, in the late 1960s. Until then, the only general cartography in existence was the IGM at 1.25000 scale, and the cadastral one at 2000; different in representation, in reference, in purposes and in short in everything.<br>At the initiative of the Italian Society of Topography and Photogrammetry, a conference was held in Milan, under the aegis of the Regional Commission for Economic Programming, directed by the then president Piero Bassetti, during which the foundations of the future Regional Technical Maps, the current “CTR”, were laid.</p>2025-03-26T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 E NUMERI CIVICI, CE LI CHIEDE L'EUROPA2025-03-26T15:47:26+01:00Valerio<p>Dopo avere imparato a leggere da sinistra a destra, sono poi trascorsi anni prima che comprendessi la rilevanza di saper leggere tra le righe. E dopo 35 anni di informazione geografica, ora ho imparato anche a leggere tra i dati.<br>Oggi tutti noi accogliamo con favore la liberalizzazione dei dati cartografici catastali, delle visure censuarie rese possibili anche sulle proprietà altrui, ma dobbiamo prima o poi chiederci il perchè di tanta richiesta da parte di un soggetto politico sovraordinato. Poichè se ora manca all'appello qualche informazione, a completare il quadro ci penseranno i moduli ed i plugins generati da una tecnologia tipo LLM, e allora la parola privacy dovrà restringere, a norma di legge ed ulteriormente,<br>la propria già magra definizione.</p>2025-03-26T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 SENSING E CARTOGRAFIA ARCHEOLOGICA: IL CASO STUDIO DI VULCI2025-03-26T15:54:25+01:00Giorgio<p>The importance of aerial photographs in the study of the ancient landscape is well known. Especially the historical ones allow the recognition of many archaeological marks. Here we will illustrate the use of photographs that allowed to reconstruct the ancient urbanism of Vulci (Montalto di Castro - VT) and to create the archaeological map.</p>2025-03-26T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 antincendio nell'interfaccia urbano-rurale in ambiente GIS open source: il caso studio della Regione Puglia2024-10-02T17:47:51+02:00Gabriele Nolègabriele.nole@cnr.itAntonio Lanorteantonio.lanorte@cnr.itGiuseppe Cillisgiuseppecillis@cnr.itFrancesco Vito Roncof.ronco@regione.puglia.itLucio<p>Urban-rural interface areas, where man-made structures border natural or semi-natural areas, are particularly vulnerable to fire, posing a threat to people, buildings and infrastructure.<br />These areas require specific planning interventions. In 2007, after a summer season marked by numerous fires that particularly affected interface areas, the Department of National Civil Defense developed guidelines to address fire risk in these areas. These guidelines were the starting point for implementing the methodology that is presented in this paper. In this paper, a preliminary and expeditious methodology is proposed to improve the current protocol of the Italian Civil Defense regarding urban-rural interface fires. Specifically, it involves the creation of some information layers based on the integration of different open data available online. These layers thus created are intended to be considered within a vulnerability index and a hazard index, in order to combine both to assess the risk within interface zones. The municipality of San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) was chosen as a real case. All operations performed are based on QGIS software.</p>2025-03-26T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 competenze locali a quelle centrali, e viceversa: il caos della cartografia italiana2025-03-26T15:23:02+01:00Renzo Carluccirenzocarlucci@gmail.com2025-03-26T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025