
  • Giuliana Guazzaroni Università  Politecnica delle Marche



Parole chiave:

Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning, Authentic Learning, Situated Learning, Learning by Doing, Multiple Intelligences, Emotional Cartography


Mobile and ubiquitous learning has been linked to new information and communication technologies embedded
in everyday life objects. A variety of invisible embedded tools have been developed and are connected to the
Internet. The boundaries between learning, gaming, simulating or role playing are not clearly deï¬ ned. In this
context a visit to a museum or to another place of interest (e.g. Archaeological parks, historical towns, urban
trekking etc.) using a smartphone, or a tablet, may offer a unique educational experience as will be described
in the trial of EMMAP (Emotional Mapping of Museum Augmented Learning) at the Archaeological Museum
"Giuseppe Moretti” of San Severino Marche (Italy), at the Macerata Carriage Museum and in the Macerata Walls
for "Street Poetry” exhibixion. EMMAP is a format aimed to develop innovative pedagogies, using handheld
technology combined with QR codes, broadcasting and augmented reality (AR). These tools are useful in

Il mobile e ubiquitous learning è stato messo in relazione alle nuove tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione che si trovano incorporate negli oggetti della vita quotidiana. Una varietà  invisibile di strumenti integrati sono stati sviluppati e collegati a Internet. I confini tra apprendimento, gioco, simulazione o giochi di ruolo non sono chiaramente definiti. Ne consegue che anche una visita in luoghi di interesse culturale (es. musei, parchi archeologici, città  storiche, trekking urbani ecc.), utilizzando uno smartphone o un tablet, potrebbe offrire un'esperienza educativa unica come descritto nelle sperimentazioni del format  EMMAP (Emotional Mapping of Museum Augmented Places) presso il Museo Civico Archeologico "Giuseppe Moretti" di San Severino Marche, il Museo della Carrozza di Macerata e la passeggiata attorno alle mura urbiche di Macerata, per osservare la mostra "Poesia di Strada” in realtà  aumentata.

EMMAP è un format didattico che mira a sviluppare pedagogie innovative, utilizzando la tecnologia portatile, combinata con i codici QR, il broadcast e la realtà  aumentata. Questi strumenti sono utili alla creazione di ambienti mobili e ubiqui di apprendimento idonei al coinvolgimento emotivo dei partecipanti in situazione di apprendimento autentico.



Biografia autore

Giuliana Guazzaroni, Università  Politecnica delle Marche

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione

Il lavoro presentato è stato oggetto della tesi di ricerca curriculum e-learning

Riferimenti bibliografici

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B. C. Bruce, Ubiquitous Learning, Ubiquitous Computing, and Lived Experience, in W. Cope (ed.), Ubiquitous learning. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press. Also in C. Jones, M. Zenios, and A. Jesmont (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Networked Learning, Halki-diki, Greece, 2008. Available: http://www.networkedlearningconference.org.uk/past/nlc2008/abstracts/PDFs/Bruce_583-590.pdf

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G. Guazzaroni and T. Leo, Emotional Mapping of a Place of Interest Using Mobile Devices for Learning. Proceedings of IADIS International Conference – Mobile Learning 2011. Avila, Spain, pp. 277-281, 2011.

K. Huang, T. Liu, S. Graf and Y. Lin, Embedding Mobile Technology to Outdoor Natural Science Lear-ning Based on The 7e Learning Cycle. In J. Luca and E. Weippl (Eds.), Proceedings of World Confe-rence on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, pp. 2082-2086, Chesa-peake, VA, 2008. Available: http://sgraf.athabascau.ca/publications/huang_liu_graf_lin_EdMedia08.pdf

G.-J. Hwang, C.-C. Tsai and S. J. H. Yang, Criteria, Strategies and Research Issues of Context-Aware Ubiquitous Learning. Educational Technology & Society, vol. 2 No.11, pp. 81-91, 2008.

L. Naismith and M. P. Smith, Using Mobile Technologies for Multimedia Tours in a Traditional Mu-seum Setting. In M. Ally (ed.), Mobile Learning. Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training. AU Press, Athabasca University, Edmonton, 2009. Available: http://www.aupress.ca/books/120155/ebook/12_Mohamed_Ally_2009-Article12.pdf

M. Sharples, J. Taylor and G. Vavoula, A Theory of Learning for the Mobile Age. In R. Andrews and C. Haythornthwaite (Eds.). The Handbook of Elearning Research, pp. 221–247, Sage, London, 2007.

S. Wexler, J. Brown, M. Metcalf, D. Rogers and E. Wagner, 360° Report: Mobile learning. eLearning Guild, Santa Rosa, 2008. Available: http://www.cedma-europe.org/newsletter%20articles/eLearning%20Guild/360%20Report%20-%20Mobile%20Learning%20(Aug%2007).pdf




Come citare

Guazzaroni, G. (2012). EMOTIONAL MAPPING OF MUSEUM AUGMENTED PLACES. Archeomatica, 3(3). https://doi.org/10.48258/arc.v3i3.126



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