Il Museo Glass Beacon nei Mercati di Traiano – Museo dei Fori Imperiali: sperimentazione di storytelling in un museo di architettura antica


  • Maria Caterina Schettini Collaboratrice esterna Mercati di Traiano - Museo dei Fori Imperiali
  • Adele Magnelli Project Manager ETT S.p.A.


Parole chiave:

Musei, fruizione, storytelling, realtà  aumentata, glass beacon, google glass


"The Museo Glass Beacon: the Museum of the Future” is an experimental project realized in the Museum of Imperial Fora in collaboration with ETT S.p.A., a company with experience in applying new technologies in the cultural industry.

The project is based on the use of Augmented Reality (AR) glasses, Google Glass, combined with Beacon technology. The path along the Museum is made by some points of interest distributed in the third and fourth floor of Trajan's Markets.

For the first time, the story of the Imperial Fora is told by the statues who are
part of the museum's permanent collection, such as Constantine, the Caryatid,
Mars and Venus and others.




Come citare

Schettini, M. C., & Magnelli, A. (2017). Il Museo Glass Beacon nei Mercati di Traiano – Museo dei Fori Imperiali: sperimentazione di storytelling in un museo di architettura antica. Archeomatica, 8(2).