Dal LiDAR Mapping Forum di Amsterdam un report di buon auspicio per il mercato del 2015


  • Renzo Carlucci Rivista GEOmedia

Parole chiave:

Laser scanner, geospatial imaging, 3D, lidar


Si è conclusa da poco più di un mese la European Lidar Mapping Forum la conferenza dedicata al Laser Scanning e all'imaging realizzata nell'accog liente spazio del Passenger Terminal di Amsterdam.

A report by the European Lidar Mapping Forum. The conference dedicated to the Laser Scanning and imaging wich took place in the Passenger Terminal of Amsterdam. The presentations and innovations in the exhibition gave an idea of the level of maturity of the technologies of 3D imaging, marking the level of the actual optimal use of technology capable of producing significant results, not experimental but absolutely acceptable by industrial and professional world, All this was preceded by three keynotes of great interest for the analysis of market potential, which attracted many visitors. The first relates to State of the Market: 3D Measurement. The second relates to The Current Status Regarding Civil Operations. The third concerns The Professional 3D Scanning World in 2020 - Evolution or Revolution?




Come citare

Carlucci, R. (2015). Dal LiDAR Mapping Forum di Amsterdam un report di buon auspicio per il mercato del 2015. GEOmedia, 18(6). Recuperato da https://mediageo.it/ojs/index.php/GEOmedia/article/view/1082

