La narrazione geografica si fa attiva con Loquis


  • Domenico Santarsiero Geo4fun
  • Raffaella Sirena Geo4fun
  • Marco Sirigu Geo4fun

Parole chiave:

Geomatica, geografia intelligente, geospatial, GIS, GPS, Loquis, geo4fun, geopodcasts, narrazione


The world of geomatics and intelligent geography converge in part in the same way, overcoming, like all technologies that man has developed, the startup and innovation phase, then changing towards a phase extended to the world of widespread users, which insiders simply define commodities. It is the classic circle of value growth, linked to the widespread use of technologies, rather than technology itself.
Within this path, a new idea of the concept of geomatics and geography for all is born, which manifests itself in the enlargement of the subjects involved, since hundreds of millions of users suddenly find themselves using what for us professionals were tools innovative like GPS and GIS, satellite navigators, google maps and street view, etc.
"Enjoy Smart Geography" is the motto of the new thinking group around Geo-4Fun, a cultural association whose goal is precisely the promotion of geography for everyone, in a world of applications, activities and behaviors already consolidated around the theme of the daily use of so-called smart geography.
This is the case of the Loquis project, discovered in the Olympus of startups that aspire to make innovation their philosophy, their daily life, betting on ideas that arise for the creativity of a few and that become the language of many.
Innovation that translates into an approach to the world, in the same way as mass phenomena such as Makers and DIY, but also the network of crowdfunding and sharing economy.
The Geo4Fun team then went to the proposal of an interview with the founder and CEO of this beautiful project that brings together the world of Geo Podcasts and the narration of places, monuments and culture, overcoming the visual approach to free oneself through a modality screenless to the world around us. No longer people folded on their smartphones, but guided by a narrative voice that tells the territory
and the memory.
But let's go straight to the source of those who imagined and then realized this world of geography and narration.




Come citare

Santarsiero, D., Sirena, R., & Sirigu, M. (2020). La narrazione geografica si fa attiva con Loquis. GEOmedia, 23(5). Recuperato da

