MAIA: Mappatura Amianto con tecniche GIS e di Intelligenza Artificiale


  • Luca Forestello Arpa Piemonte - Sistema Informativo Ambientale e Geografico, Comunicazione e Educazione Ambientale
  • Enrico Bonansea Arpa Piemonte - Sistema Informativo Ambientale e Geografico, Comunicazione e Educazione Ambientale


In 2013 Arpa Piemonte launched a first mapping of buildings potentially containing
asbestos cement that identified over 120.000 roofs in the most densely populated
areas of Regione Piemonte. The map was based on supervised image classification
techniques and traditional photo interpretation.
In 2020 (based on an experimental activity launched in 2019), Arpa Piemonte created
and applied a model called MAIA (Mapping of Asbestos with GIS and Artificial Intelligence
techniques) aimed at extending the mapping started in 2013 to the whole Piemonte
area and including the monitoring of asbestos roofs transformation over time,
already subjected to inspection, located in the areas analyzed in the first mapping.
MAIA has identified over 26.600 new buildings on a regional scale with potential
presence of asbestos and over 6.200 buildings whose roofs have undergone, potential
remediation processes between 2010 and 2020. In the area already subjected to
inspection, the model confirmed the presence of asbestos in over 36.400 roofs and it
has identified over 4.900 cases of new potential remediation.




Come citare

Forestello, L., & Bonansea, E. (2022). MAIA: Mappatura Amianto con tecniche GIS e di Intelligenza Artificiale. GEOmedia, 25(6). Recuperato da

