Progetto PEDROS - Perimetrazione automatica di incEndi con DRone equipaggiato con sensOre Specifico



Parole chiave:

uav, gnss, sensori, NIR, SWIR, algoritmo, incendi boschivi


The proposed system provides for the development of a SAPR system (Airborne Remote Pilotage System) which can be
of assistance to the detailed perimeter, of wooded areas attacked by insects/pathogens and/or by forest fires in order to
transmit to the competent authorities the certification of these areas affected by environmental damage, in compliance with current legislation. This activity is normally carried out through the interpretation of satellite image analyzes with spatial resolutions that are not always adequate for the purpose, which often entails the need for re-perimeteration in the field carried out by operators equipped with GNSS handheld systems.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Key, C. H., & Benson, N. C. (2005). Landscape assessment: Remote sensing of severity, the Normalized Burn Ratio. In D. C. Lutes (Ed.), FIREMON: Fire effects monitoring and inventory system. General Technical Report, RMRS- GTR-164-CD:LA1-LA51. (pp.) Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.

Key, C. H., & Benson, N. C. (2005). Landscape assessment: ground measure of severity, the Composite Burn Index. In D. C. Lutes (Ed.), FIREMON: Fire effects monitoring and inventory system. General Technical Report, RMRS- GTR-164-CD:LA1-LA51. (pp.) Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.

Lopez Garcia, M. J., & Caselles, V. (1991). Mapping burns and natural reforestation using Thematic Mapper data. Geocarto International,

, 31-37.

Miller, J. D., & Yool, S. R. (2002). Mapping forest post-fire canopy consumption in several overstory types using multi-temporal

Landsat TM and ETM data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 82(2-3), 481-496.

Avery & Berlino, 1992; Elvidge, 1990.

Jia et al., 2006; Kokaly et al.

Rif. immagine: “Burned Area Mapping with Sentinel-2 using SNAP” Corus ESA Copernicus, Portugal, 2017

Rif.immagine (modificata dall’autore): Elowitz, Mark R. “What is Imaging Spectroscopy (Hyperspectral Imaging)?, republished in “Vegetation Analysis: Using Vegetation Indices in ENVI”, L3-Harris whitepaper.

Jay D. Miller, Andrea E. Thode (2006). Quantifying burn severity in a heterogeneous landscape with a relative version of the delta

Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR). Remote Sensing of Environment 109 (2007) 66-80, Elsevier.

Rif.immagine: “Burned Area Mapping with Sentinel-2 using SNAP” Corus ESA Copernicus, Portugal, 2017.

TEC – Thermo-Electric Cooler. Modulo di raffreddamento a cella di Peltier.

Il grado di protezione IP si compone di 2 cifre. La prima indica il grado di protezione da corpi solidi (4 indica protezione da

oggetti solidi maggiori di 1 mm). La seconda cifra indica la protezione da liquidi (3: vapori d’acqua, 4: spruzzi d’acqua, 5: getti d’acqua).

modelli DJI (Matrice 200 e 300), Explorer 1000 (dronebase), e Durante (italdron): autonomia di volo a pieno carico da specifica. Per gli altri modelli è stata stimata in rapporto alla massima autonomia di volo dichiarata.




Come citare

SISTEMI, A. (2023). Progetto PEDROS - Perimetrazione automatica di incEndi con DRone equipaggiato con sensOre Specifico. GEOmedia, 27(2). Recuperato da

