Conferenza AM/FM 2009 Il valore dell'Informazione Geografica digitale: casi di studio e prospettive


  • AM/FM GIS Italia AM/FM GIS Italia

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AM/FM Conference 2009

The annual conference of AMFM GIS Italia took place in Rome on September 23rd and 24th ( focusing on the value of GI. The speakers of the Conference represented the top stakeholders of public and private Italian sector of GI . The conclusions have been drafted by the Member of Parliament Senator De Angelis who announced to have in agenda the drafting of a specific act for supporting the intelligent use and the sharing of GI according with the framework set up by INSPIRE directive. The participation
of the GI industry has been qualified as participants to a
round table which drafted some specific points for future actions of the GI community. Two European projects have been deeply discussed during the second day of the conference. The EURADIN project on the standardization of the European addresses and the PLAN4ALL project on the metadata and data modeling of the spatial planning. Both project in the framework of INSPIRE are part of the e-content plus program of the EC.




Come citare

AM/FM GIS Italia, A. G. I. (2009). Conferenza AM/FM 2009 Il valore dell’Informazione Geografica digitale: casi di studio e prospettive. GEOmedia, 13(5). Recuperato da




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