Hazards, heritage protection and disasters resilience Competence, Liability and Culpability. Who's the blame?


  • Claudio Cimino Secretary General, WAT CH (World Association for the Protection of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage in times of armed conflict)



Parole chiave:

Disaster Risk Reduction, Regional/Urban Governance, Enhanced Protection, UNESCO Conventions, Heritage Impact Assessment.


In ordinary circumstances managing cultural heritage is not any easy, yet,
lately it turned into a much more challenging job. During the last few decades
we assisted to an increased number of disasters caused by events of
unprecedented frequency and dimensions with significant losses of human
lives, devastated territories and heritage. This article analyses the reasons
why in spite of their commitment to UNESCO Conventions in case of disaster
States Parties are often caught unprepared due to lack of concrete Disasters
Risk Reduction (DRR) measures to secure heritage resilience.




Come citare

Cimino, C. (2018). Hazards, heritage protection and disasters resilience Competence, Liability and Culpability. Who’s the blame?. Archeomatica, 8(3). https://doi.org/10.48258/arc.v8i3.1486



Guest Paper