Complementary techniques for pigment analysis from the festival hall of Thutmosis III, the Karnak temples complex (Luxor, Egypt)


  • Hussein Marey Mahmoud Lecturer (PhD), Department of Conservation, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, 12613 Giza, Egypt.


Parole chiave:

Pigments, the Karnak temples complex, Egyptian blue, ESEM −EDX, μ-XR F


The present paper aims at analyzing some ancient pigments from
the festival hall of Thutmosis III, the Karnak temples complex (Luxor,
Egypt). The wall decorations of the festival hall are carved
with raised and sunken reliefs and painted with religious scenes and
hieroglyphs texts. The analytical techniques utilized in this study
were optical microscopy (OM), environmental scanning electron microscopy
(ESEM) coupled with an energy dispersive X-ray analysis
system (EDX), μ-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and colorimetry.
Based on the results of these analyses, the microscopic features, microstructure
and the chemical composition of the studied pigments
were identified. The results revealed the blue pigment as Egyptian
blue (cuprorivaite, CaCuSi4O10), the green pigment as Egyptian green
(Cu-wollastonite), the yellow pigment as yellow ochre, and the
red pigment as red ochre.

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Come citare

Mahmoud, H. M. (2019). Complementary techniques for pigment analysis from the festival hall of Thutmosis III, the Karnak temples complex (Luxor, Egypt). Archeomatica, 6(5).