Teleimmersive Archaeology


  • Maurizio Forte University of California, Merced
  • Gregorij Kurillo University of California, Berkeley


Parole chiave:

Cybertecnology, Teleimmersive archeology, 3D, Virtual Reality.


The project of teleimmersive Archaeology is supported by the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRISI) of the Univeristy of Berkeley. This is the first system created worlwide which opened new prospects of changes in the field of archeology. The Ciberarcheology is a new field of research aimed to simulation and investigation of the past.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Forte M. (ed.) (2010), Cyberarchaeology, BAR International

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Applications, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,

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Come citare

Forte, M., & Kurillo, G. (2019). Teleimmersive Archaeology. Archeomatica, 6(5).