Geofisica applicata all'archeologia: indagini magnetometriche e GPR presso la pieve di San Giovanni Battista a Cavriglia


  • Marco Sfacteria ATS - Università  degli Studi di Siena


Parole chiave:

archeologia, geofisica, magnetometria, GPR,


The importance of the contribution that the geophysical investigations can bring to the archaeological research is nowadays widely accepted. Nevertheless, there is still some suspicion about the methods of geophysical prospecting, both because frequently the results disappoint the expectations of a client poorly prepared to the results that these investigations can produce, and also because not all methods provide the same results under the same conditions.

This project aims to demonstrate how the integration of multiple techniques, specifically magnetometry and GPR, can provide a wealth of information where the use of just one of these methods could produce no appreciable or misleading results.

The prospections have interested an area near the parish church of St. John the Baptist, in the territory of Cavriglia (AR) built along the supposed route of the Roman road Cassia Adrianea.





Come citare

Sfacteria, M. (2013). Geofisica applicata all’archeologia: indagini magnetometriche e GPR presso la pieve di San Giovanni Battista a Cavriglia. Archeomatica, 4(4).




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