



Parole chiave:

Coroplastica arcaica, tecnologia, estetica, Ebla, statuine


L'analisi simbolica e ï¬sica di alcune statuette di argilla di Siria e di Mesopotamia datate al IV, al III e al II millennio a. C., sta conducendo ad importanti risultati preliminari che ne evidenziano  la natura ideograï¬ca e compositiva. Questi reperti della cosiddetta 'cultura materiale' rappresentano una sorta di mimesi che potrebbe anche conservare alcuni valori cognitivi ed estetici della vita quotidiana.

‘From the creation's material' to the ï¬rst automation techniques

A microscope analysis on the archaic Mesopotamian miniature clay world The paper focus on the symbolic and physical analysis of some Mesopotamian clay ï¬ gurines dated to the IV and III Millennium B.C. The preliminary results obtained on some unedited Ebla Clay Figurines (ECF) outlines the technological chaà®ne opératoire of this production and its ‘ideographic' compositional nature. These artefacts called ‘material culture' were both a conscious human imita-tion of sacred and royal images of power and an probably intuitive ‘interpretation' of their social role; in other words, they represent a kind of mimesis that could also preserve some cognitive and a probably aesthetic values of the daily life as archetypes.

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Come citare

Ramazzotti, M. (2012). DALLA ’MATERIA DELLA CREAZIONE’ ALLE PRIME ’TECNICHE DELL’AUTOMAZIONE’. Archeomatica, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.48258/arc.v2i2.79


