
  • GEOmedia

    GEOmedia, the Italian magazine for geomatics, is published 6 times a year, acting as a window of Italian innovation in the complex framework of World Geospatial competition. GEOmedia is the Italian hub for all activities relating to the acquisition, processing, querying, analysis, presentation, dissemination, management and use of geo-data and geo-information. With specialized focus and report on subjects such as surveying, environment, mapping, GNSS systems, GIS, Earth Observation, Geospatial Data, BIM, UAV and 3D technologies.

  • Archeomatica

    Archeomatica is the italian magazine on technologies for cultural heritage.
  • Smart for City

    Smart for city, pubblicazione trimestrale scientifica – divulgativa, è la nuova rivista trimestrale distribuita in digitale e a stampa che affronterà  il tema principale delle tecnologie per le smart city nei tessuti storici.