Evoluzione del GNSS ed i nuovi mercati


  • Mirko Antonini CTO, SpaceEXE srl Via Giacomo Peroni 442/444 00131 Roma - Italy Tel: (+39) 06 98376227 Mob: (+39) 338 7402907

Parole chiave:

Galileo, mass market, GNSS, GPS, mercato, ricevitori, applicazioni, servizi,


GNSS systems have undergone over the last 15 years a fundamental shift from systems used primarily for military and professional applications to public use
infrastructure for many types of mass-market applications.
The article will focus on new applications, primarily in consumer and professional fields that thanks to Galileo system, in next years, will be able
to improve quality of life. Will be also highlighted, in the author's opinion, the main problems that the Italian system will face in the medium and long term, to take advantage of business opportunities that GNSS applications may reserve.

Riferimenti bibliografici

[GNSS1] https://www.gsc-europa.eu/systemstatus/Constellation-Information

[GNSS2] https://www.gsa.europa.eu/galileo/services

[EU1988] GNSS-2 Forum

[EU1999] European Commission: "Galileo – Involving Europe in a new generation of Satellite Navigation Services”, Brussels, 9 February 1999.

[GSA2015] https://www.gsa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/content/press_releases/PRGSA-15-03%202015-Launch-of-Fundamental-Elements.pdf

[ABI2016] ABI Research GNSS IC Vendors 4Q 2016

[GALILEO2001] PriceWaterhouseCoopers "Inception Study to Support the Development of a Business Plan for the GALILEO Programme”

November 2001

[GNSS2015] GSA "GNSS Market Report, issue 4, 2015”




Come citare

Antonini, M. (2017). Evoluzione del GNSS ed i nuovi mercati. GEOmedia, 21(1). Recuperato da https://mediageo.it/ojs/index.php/GEOmedia/article/view/1392

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