Smart cities: un'analisi critica delle opportunità  e dei rischi


  • Beniamino Murgante Università  della Basilicata Viale dell'Ateneo Lucano 10 85100 Potenza
  • Giuseppe Borruso Università  di Trieste, P. le Europa 1 34127 Trieste

Parole chiave:

Smart city, Smart communities, Neogeography, Open data, Citizens as sensors, Governance.


The term Smart City is to-date widely used
little clarity appears in the definition behind
that. Several approaches lead to a growing
emphasis on the combined use of geographic
information and communication technology
to build cognitive frameworks in city planning
and management. The present paper
tackles an effort of defining smart cities
and identifying theelements of smartness but
also the critical aspects related to the current
interpretation of the term. In particular
the risks of considering also the technological
layer of the Smart City as an innovative
element is observed, highlighting on the
contrary the need to consider Smart Cities
in terms of a major urban planning effort
to coordinate and harmonize the different
urban players sustained by ICT instruments.

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Come citare

Murgante, B., & Borruso, G. (2013). Smart cities: un’analisi critica delle opportunità  e dei rischi. GEOmedia, 17(3). Recuperato da




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