Parametri pedologici e applicazioni per modelli in ambito ambientale: il quadro europeo ed italiano


  • Flavio Lupia INEA, Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria
  • Silvia Vanino INEA, Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria
  • Nicola Laruccia Agronomo, Pedologo

Parole chiave:

digital soil mapping, agricoltura, database


Soil parameters as a key point for environmental modeling: the European and Italian situation

Soil parameters are key information for environmental modelling and simulation activities. Soil data demand grows contemporary to the need of supporting the decision processes at the different administrative levels. Models application requires collection, harmonization and integration of soil database at the various geographic levels as well as the assessment of the characteristics of data accuracy and quality. The contribution explores the European and Italian situation concerning soil databases by stressing their features, issues and future perspectives.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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• R.J.A. Jones, B. Houšková, P. Bullock and L. Montanarella (2005), European Soil Bureau Research Report No.9, EUR 20559 EN, p. 420. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.

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Come citare

Lupia, F., Vanino, S., & Laruccia, N. (2010). Parametri pedologici e applicazioni per modelli in ambito ambientale: il quadro europeo ed italiano. GEOmedia, 14(2). Recuperato da




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