La scarsa attendibilità  del CAP come riferimento geografico in Italia


  • Marianna Ronconi
  • Alice Pasquinelli
  • Anna Privitera
  • Franco Guzzetti


Codice di avviamento postale, CAP, Postal Descriptor, riferimenti geografici, rischi territoriali


Many software made in the USA for analyzing big territorial risks use Post
Code (P.C.) as a geographical reference.
However, if those software are used in Italy, the purpose of the Post Code as
territorial reference results unsuitable. In fact, in Italy the P.C. was created to facilitate the processes of mail delivery. It is made up of a five numbers code and the level of information contained decreases the deeper the code is analyzed and the more their territorial continuity fails. Moreover, at times a single Post Code refers to multiple towns, at others a single town can be divided in various P.C.
This article shows some examples on how the Post Code can not be used in
Italy for analyze territorial distribution of natural disasters.

Author Biography

Marianna Ronconi

Dipartimento ABC – Politecnico di Milano


Address Service Centre (2015), Il codice di avviamento postale, (Retrieved: 03.09.2015).

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - INGV (2015),

Pericolosità sismica,

(Retrieved: 03.09.2015).

Poste Italiane (2015), Il servizio CAP, (Retrieved:03.09.2015).

Guzzetti F., Pasquinelli A., Privitera A., Ronconi M. (2014) Test metrico sulla ricerca automatica della posizione degli indirizzi, 18^ Conferenza

Nazionale Asita, Firenze.

Guzzetti F., Pasquinelli A., Viskanic P., (2014) L'informazione geografica nella gestione dei rischi catastrofali, 18^ Conferenza Nazionale Asita, Firenze.

INSPIRE Thematic Working Group Addresses (2014), D2.8.I.5 Data Specification on Addresses - Technical Guidelines, INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe.

Thompson, S. (2013). Be insured with risk mapping, in Geospatial

World Magazine.



How to Cite

Ronconi, M., Pasquinelli, A., Privitera, A., & Guzzetti, F. (2016). La scarsa attendibilità  del CAP come riferimento geografico in Italia. GEOmedia, 20(2). Retrieved from