Il Geoportale Nazionale: un'infrastruttura a supporto delle emergenze


  • Alberto Conte Funzionario Delegato PST (MATTM)
  • Maria Paola Bonofiglio Unità  Assistenza Tecnica Sogesid S.p.A.
  • Laura Petriglia Unità  Assistenza Tecnica Sogesid S.p.A. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare


DSM, geoportale, LiDAR, permanent scatterers, telerilevamento ambientale


The Italian National Geoportal as a supporting infrastructure
for emergencies.
The recent seismic events in the Italian territory have revived the importance of spatial information easily and quickly on the affected areas, targeted initially to the timeliness and effectiveness of the rescues. As often happens, in emergency situations, the difficulties encountered highlight the gaps existing due to an amount of data produced by different institutions often
not readily integrated with each another. The Italian National Geoportal is the hub to concentrate the access to all geospatial information.



How to Cite

Conte, A., Bonofiglio, M. P., & Petriglia, L. (2016). Il Geoportale Nazionale: un’infrastruttura a supporto delle emergenze. GEOmedia, 20(5). Retrieved from