Applicazioni Copernicus a scala locale per il monitoraggio delle acque di balneazione


  • Giacomo Martirano Epsilon Italia SRL
  • Vittorio Gagliardi Epsilon Italia SRL


Copernicus, Sentinel 3, OLCI, SLSTR, droni acquatici, monitoraggio, TEMAR


TEMAR is a collaborative research project, aimed at the research, development and testing of an innovative service for monitoring and mitigating the risk of pollution of bathing water, of potential interest for a vast use. It is based on the ability of optical remote sensing satellites to detect biochemical and physical characteristics of bathing waters on large surfaces and to validate them by in-situ measurements performed with aquatic drones. The project is co-funded by the Structural Funds of the
European Commission, by means of the POR (Operative Regional
Programme) Calabria 2014-2020.

Author Biography

Giacomo Martirano, Epsilon Italia SRL


Doerffer R., 2010a, OLCI Level 2 Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document

- Alternative Atmospheric Correction.

Doerffer R., 2010b, OLCI Level 2 Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document

- Ocean Colour Turbid Water.

ESA, 2017, Sentinel-3 User Handbook

EUMETSAT, 2017, Sentinel-3 OLCI Marine User Handbook.

EUMETSAT, 2017, Sentinel 3 Marine Copernicus Data Access

User Manual.

EUMETSAT, 2017, Sentinel 3 SLSTR Marine User Handbook.

European Commission, Directive 2007/2/EC establishing and Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community



How to Cite

Martirano, G., & Gagliardi, V. (2019). Applicazioni Copernicus a scala locale per il monitoraggio delle acque di balneazione. GEOmedia, 22(6). Retrieved from

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