L'occhio alleato sull'Istria


  • Alessandra Dell'Anna
  • Gaetano Benćić Museo del Territorio Parentino


fotografia aerea, afn, usaaf, archeologia subacquea, Parenzo, ville marittime


The recent discovery of aerial photographs of the Istrian territory and coast among the WWII USAAF imagery preserved in the Aerofototeca Nazionale archives adds important information to the already rich history of this area. The aerial view captured in August 1944, shortly before the heaviest bombing in October 1944, provides useful information for the historical reconstruction
of the ancient colony of Parentium.


Shepherd E.J., Palazzi D., Leone G., Mavica M., La collezione c.d. USAAF dell'Aerofototeca Nazionale. Lavori in corso, Archeologia Aerea. Studi di Aerotopografia Archeologica, 6, 2012, pp. 13-32;

Rousse C., Tassaux F., Loron (Tar-Vabriga, Croatie), Campagne de fouille 2011, in Chronique des activités archéologiques de l'à‰cole française de Rome, Balkans 2012;

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marina (Tar- Vabriga, Poreć, Croatie), La villa de Santa Marina.

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l'à‰cole française de Rome, Balkans 2019;

https://ccj.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article2333 (Les villae maritimes de l'Istrie;

https://ccj.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article1102 L'Istrie et la mer : la cà´te du Parentindans l'Antiquité / dir. M.-

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How to Cite

Dell’Anna, A., & Benćić, G. (2020). L’occhio alleato sull’Istria. GEOmedia, 24(4). Retrieved from https://mediageo.it/ojs/index.php/GEOmedia/article/view/1741