Una grande mappa per una piccola isola: il rilevamento delle isole Faroe


  • Eloise Mitchell


Mappe, mappatura aerea, droni, fotogrammetria, ortofoto, software, dati


The Faroe Islands are a series of islands 300 kilometers North-West
of Scotland. The Faroes are part of Denmark and work with the Danish
authorities. They have a subpolar climate, and a population of 52,000
people. As the islands are developed and change with new buildings and
agriculture, the authorities need up-to-date maps of the islands. The
Umhvà¸rvisstovan use Pix4Dmatic for large scale mapping on of the
land to maintain recent records.

They gathered over 2,000 images to survey 2.3 square kilometers. It was
a successful surveying project with an open-access orthomosaic as an



How to Cite

Mitchell, E. (2021). Una grande mappa per una piccola isola: il rilevamento delle isole Faroe. GEOmedia, 25(2). Retrieved from https://mediageo.it/ojs/index.php/GEOmedia/article/view/1792