I vantaggi e le innovazioni metodologiche del remote e del proximal sensing nel campo dell’Archeologia Preventiva

Sperimentazioni e risultati nell’ambito della verifica Preventiva dell’ Interesse Archeologico.


  • Ginacarlo Pastura Italferr SpA (Polo Infrastrutture Ferrovie dello Stato)


In recent years the role of preventive
archaeological investigations - and
consequently that of archaeologists
-in territorial and urban transformation
became more and more important;
On the other hand, the time
allocated to archaeological investigation
is often severely compressed:
so, it is essential to exercise targeted
and effective action and, even more
so, to have in-depth knowledge of
the context on which the project
impacts. The National Geoportal for
Archaeology is a useful tool, making
archaeological data available for
consultation and free reuse. Its usefulness
is growing every day, thanks
to recent provisions that provide for
the use of the GNA as a standard for
the delivery of minimum data for all
archaeological investigations.


Campana S. (2018), Mapping the Archaeological Continuum. Filling ‘Empty’ Mediterranean Landscapes – SpringerBrief in Archaeology.

Campana S. (2017), Drones in Archaeology. State-of-the-art and Future Perspectives, in Archaeological Prospection - Wiley Online Library

Frandi F.;

Ludovici D. (2020), Archeologia preventiva e progettazione ferroviaria: la genesi dell’attuale Procedura di Verifica Preventiva e l’esperienza di 25 anni di best practice, in Atti e Rassegna Tecnica della Società degli Ingegneri e degli Architetti in Torino, 153-LXXIV, n. 2-3, 63-67.



How to Cite

Pastura, G. (2024). I vantaggi e le innovazioni metodologiche del remote e del proximal sensing nel campo dell’Archeologia Preventiva: Sperimentazioni e risultati nell’ambito della verifica Preventiva dell’ Interesse Archeologico. GEOmedia, 28(4). Retrieved from https://mediageo.it/ojs/index.php/GEOmedia/article/view/2029