Arricchimento semantico del turismo alpino


  • Eliseo Clementini
  • Francesco Bartoli

Parole chiave:

Ontology, Geospatial Web, tourism, alpine, route, broad boundary, wfs, avalanche


Semantic enrichment of alpine tourism

Ontological enrichment from semantic Web finds its own achievement in tourism information, mostly those related to alpine world. Moreover, information systems and trails become straightforward and user-centric when tourist doesn't need to learn concepts and meanings from maps. Broad boundaries patterns accomplish this semantic refinement in order to worth both geographic appeal and routes safety, making sense of avalanche awareness risk.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Clementini E., Objects with Broad Boundaries in Encyclopedia of GIS, S. Shekhar and H. Xiong, Eds. New York: Springer, 2008, pp. 793-799.

Kammersell W., Dean M., Conceptual Search: Incorporating Geospatial Data into Semantic Queries in The Geospatial Web, Arno Scharl Klaus Tochtermann, Eds: Springer, 2007, pp. 47-54.




Come citare

Clementini, E., & Bartoli, F. (2010). Arricchimento semantico del turismo alpino. GEOmedia, 14(5). Recuperato da




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