Il GIS negli studi di sostenibilità  delle energie rinnovabili


  • Emanuela Caiaffa ENEA UTMEA CLIM.
  • Maurizio Pollino ENEA UTMEA TER. Centro Ricerche della Casaccia, Via Anguillarese, 301, 00123, Roma
  • Alessandro Marucci Phd, Abruzzo Ambiente s.r.l.

Parole chiave:

energie rinnovabili, GIS, sviluppo sostenibile, energia eolica


Projections to 2020 indicate that renewable energy sources (RES) could cover, from 20 to 30 percent of the world's energy needs. To implement an effective e-governance in this direction, it is necessary to implement new methodologies to support decisionmaking in the local energy planning. The environmental impact is one of the main concern existing at different levels, in addition to the growing soil consumption in Europe. A significant problem for some types of plants, mainly solar and wind power, is the interaction of the devices with the surrounding environment, with possible negative effects in terms of visual impact and soil consumption. It is, therefore, very important to define which weight can have different impacts and to consider all possible scenarios.

Biografia autore

Maurizio Pollino, ENEA UTMEA TER. Centro Ricerche della Casaccia, Via Anguillarese, 301, 00123, Roma

Centro Ricerche della Casaccia, Via Anguillarese,
301, 00123, Roma
Alessandro Marucci
Phd, Abruzzo Ambiente s.r.l.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Caiaffa, E., Pollino, M., & Marucci, A. (2014). Il GIS negli studi di sostenibilità  delle energie rinnovabili. GEOmedia, 18(2). Recuperato da

