Il progetto "D12” - Promuovere il rilievo 3D per stimolare la ricerca


  • Federica Guidi
  • Marinella Marchesi Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna
  • Giacomo Vianini 3Dflow S.r.l.
  • Pier Carlo Ricci Artificio Digitale Snc
  • Michele Agnoletti Artificio Digitale Snc
  • Andrea Rossi DI.AR Laboratorio di Diagnostica per i Beni Culturali



Musei, Archeologia, documentazione, SFM, 3Dscannning, photogramm etry, diagnostic


The Archaeological Museum of Bologna has tested the application of digital
technologies on some objects within the project "D12", aimed to connect 3D documentation with polychromy data. An Etruscan stela from Bologna, called "Ducati 12”, gives its name to the project.

3D scanning tests made on some Etruscan artifacts within the project prove
that nowadays archaeological and artistic material can be investigated through a low-cost, time-saving and reliable approach.

Several 3D virtual data digital technologies were tested and after the postprocessing treatment some real applications on 3D data were realized.
Multispectral and chemichal investigations were carried out on the objects.
The results achieved allow to undertake an effective research project for the
reconstruction of the polychromy in Etruscan age.

Author Biography

Federica Guidi

Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna


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How to Cite

Guidi, F., Marchesi, M., Vianini, G., Ricci, P. C., Agnoletti, M., & Rossi, A. (2018). Il progetto "D12” - Promuovere il rilievo 3D per stimolare la ricerca. Archeomatica, 8(4).