Book of Abstracts. ArcheoFOSS International Conference 2021

A special issue of Archeomatica for ArcheoFoss 2021 congress


  • Paolo Rosati
  • Matteo Serpetti
  • Domizia D'Erasmo
  • Livia Tirabassi
  • Morgan Lemmer Webber
  • Saverio Giulio Malatesta



Archaeology, Digital Humanities, Academic Writing, 3D Reconstruction, Open Data, 3d Modeling, FLOSS, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)


The 15th edition of the international conference ArcheoFOSS Open Software, hardware, processes, data, and formats in archaeology is now open. After the 2020’s conference is the second year in which the official conference languages are both English and Italian. The conference will address a range of important topics and themes relating to data sharing, open tools, processes and formats in the archaeological domain. The Organizing Committee invited scholars, independent researchers, institutions, freelance archaeologists, and professional companies involved in Cultural Heritage to submit their original researches or case studies by exposing the latest trends, theoretical or practical developments and challenges in the field. On behalf of the Scientific Committee 2021, the Organising Committee encouraged abstract proposals focused on some thematic areas. Furthermore, for the first time, ArcheoFOSS published the pre-acs volume to facilitate the sharing and the deep understanding of any issues.

ARCHEO FOSS XV 2021 - Book of abstract

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How to Cite

Rosati, P., Serpetti, M., D’Erasmo, D., Tirabassi, L., Lemmer Webber, M., & Malatesta, S. G. (2022). Book of Abstracts. ArcheoFOSS International Conference 2021: A special issue of Archeomatica for ArcheoFoss 2021 congress. Archeomatica, 12(3).