
  • Irene Rubino Politecnico di Torino




Applicazioni mobili, tablet, musei, giochi interattivi, location-based services


The spread of mobile applications has recently exposed museums to new opportunities, both in terms of learning and engagement of new visitors: in this scenario, a special role is played by mobile applications integrating location-based services and gamification approaches. This paper presents the description and evaluation of "Step by Step 2.0”, a mobile guide developed for Palazzo Madama-Museo Civico d'Arte Antica (Turin, Italy) by engineering company TonicMinds. The guide includes trails, an indoor navigation system, the connection to social networks and two location-based mobile games, specifically developed for young visitors. The results show that mobile apps can facilitate visitors' meaning making process and enable unconventional models of exploration, which are definitely worth- investigating.

Author Biography

Irene Rubino, Politecnico di Torino

Irene Rubino is currently research assistant at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering (Polytechnic of Turin, Italy). She holds a Master of Arts from UCL-University College London (2008) and her current projects focus on the impact of new technologies on society, with particular regard to social learning. Former experiences have taken her to the Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies (Washington D.C., U.S.A.), to the Australian Museum (Sydney, Australia) and to Palazzo Madama-Museo Civico d'Arte Antica (Turin, Italy). She has published about the role of social network services for the fostering and assessment of critical thinking skills and she has also conducted research about the use of mobile devices in informal learning environments.


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How to Cite

Rubino, I. (2014). "STEP BY STEP 2.0” – UN’APPLICAZIONE MOBILE PER ESPLORARE PALAZZO MADAMA-MUSEO CIVICO D’ARTE ANTICA (TORINO). Archeomatica, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.48258/arc.v5i2.680