Rilievo Aerofotogrammetrico e Cartografia in Campo Archeologico: Casi Applicativi nel sito di UÅŸakli Höyük (Turchia)


  • Vincenzo Regine


Parole chiave:

Fotogrammetria, droni, Modellazione 3D, GIS, Cartografia, archeologiaD'Agostino, A. & Orsi, V. (2015), The Archaeological Survey, Methods and Materials, in Mazzoni, S. & Pecchioli Daddi, F. (eds), The Uşaklı Höyük Survey Project (2008-2012) - A final repo


This paper examines the use of digital photogrammetry and terrain data management within GIS applied to Archaeology, i.e. the study and reconstruction of the settlement layout of UÅŸaklı Höyük (Central Anatolia, Turkey) during the Hittite period, through 3D surveys and geo-spatial analyses.
Thanks to the data acquisition and processing using algorithms software, i.e.
Structure for Motion and Multi-view stereo, it was possible to create highresolution photogrammetric products and cartographic maps valuable for
interpreting and further examining archaeological evidence collected during
excavations. These products include: i) Digital Elevation Models (DEM), ii) 3D
textured models, iii) aerial photogrammetric survey of the Hittite temple
(Building II) at a scale of 1:200 and, iv) the orthophoto map of the höyük at
a scale of 1:500.

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Come citare

Regine, V. (2020). Rilievo Aerofotogrammetrico e Cartografia in Campo Archeologico: Casi Applicativi nel sito di UÅŸakli Höyük (Turchia). Archeomatica, 11(2).


