L’ecosistema digitale Artence basato su blockchain per la valorizzazione e scambio di Non Fungible Tokens (NFT)


  • Redazione Archeomatica

Parole chiave:

NFT, collezioni digitali, musei, blockchain


Artence is an international project as it aims to bring together
in a single environment resources from all over the world of contemporary
artists (digital or traditional), collectors, art galleries,
foundations, public museums and private museums. A real collector
capable of attracting content from all over the world with the
guarantee of uniqueness and authenticity that each NFT is specially
created and certified on the Blockchain. Furthermore, Artence
offers a series of related services to differentiate its offer from
similar competitors, and brings together works of art of different
belonging between painting, photography, music and audiovisual.




Come citare

Archeomatica, R. (2023). L’ecosistema digitale Artence basato su blockchain per la valorizzazione e scambio di Non Fungible Tokens (NFT). Archeomatica, 14(1). Recuperato da https://mediageo.it/ojs/index.php/archeomatica/article/view/1930