Nuovi Metodi di visualizzazione geografica: l'approccio Focus+Glue+Context


  • Flavio Lupia INEA, Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria

Parole chiave:

scrolling, rappresentazione topografica, Institute of Tecnology


New cartographic visualization methods:

the Focus+Glue+Context approach

Focus+Glue+Context is a new cartographic visualization method specifically designed to solve the fruition problems connected with the use of mobile devices and web mapping services. The objective of the F+G+C approach is to reduce users cognitive efforts when reading a map: to do so, the area of interest is ‘highlighted' in a lower and more detailed scale through a fisheye lens effect, while the sorrouding context, useful to the user to determine the items relationships in a map, is maintained on a higher scale.

Riferimenti bibliografici

• G. W. Furnas, Generalized fisheye views, Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, pp. 16-23, April 13-17, 1986, Boston, Massachusetts, United States

• Sarkar M., Brown M. H., Graphical fisheye views of graphs, Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, pp. 83-91, May 03-07, 1992, Monterey, California, United States

• Yamamoto D., Ozeki S., Takahashi N., Wired Fisheye Lens: A Motion-based Improved Fisheye Interface for Mobile Web Map Services, Proceedings of the 9th international symposium on web

& wireless geographical information systems (W2GIS 2009), LNCS, Vol.5886, pp.153-170, 2009,12.

• Tolman E. C. (1948). Cognitive Maps in Rats and Man. Psychological Review 55: 189-208.




Come citare

Lupia, F. (2010). Nuovi Metodi di visualizzazione geografica: l’approccio Focus+Glue+Context. GEOmedia, 14(2). Recuperato da

