Impiego della tecnologia laser scanner su mezzo mobile terrestre per il city modelling


  • Giorgio Vassena Università  degli Studi di Brescia - DICATA Via Branze, 43
  • Costante Bonacina Università  degli Studi di Brescia - DICATA Via Branze, 43
  • Matteo Zinelli

Parole chiave:

3D, GNSS, laser scanner


Use of laser scanner on mobile equipment for city modelling

The use of GPS/INS systems on mobile instrumental equipment for 3D city modelling is more and more widespread as advanced technology of survey. These systems offer good versatility, even if with some problems linked to urban canyon and to the drift of inertial systems.
In urban contest it seems also profitable the employment
of classical topographic equipment for surveying of position of mobile mean in the 3D and colour data acquisition phase. This technology, easy to use, guarantees a good efficacy on urban scale and accuracies of alignment comparable to those of consolidated technology. The employment of equipment commonly available from operators makes the method proposed economically favourable, results being equal.

Riferimenti bibliografici

• Horn B.K.P. (1987), Closed Form Solutions of Absolute Orientation Using Unit Quaternions, J. the Optical Soc. Am-A, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 629-642.

• Huising, E. J., Pereira, L. M. G. (1998). Errors and accuracy estimates of laser data acquired by various laser scanning systems for topographic applications. ISPRS J. Photogrammetry., 53 (5), 245 - 261.

• Ingensand, H., A. Ryf, and T. Schulz (2003), Performances and Experiences in Terrestrial Laserscanning. Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Optical 3D Measurement Techniques, Zurich.




Come citare

Vassena, G., Bonacina, C., & Zinelli, M. (2009). Impiego della tecnologia laser scanner su mezzo mobile terrestre per il city modelling. GEOmedia, 13(6). Recuperato da

