eSDI-NET+: una rete tematica per l'arricchimento e il riuso dell'informazione geografica in Europa


  • Redazione Redazione


eSDI-NET+: a thematic net for the enhancement and reuse of european geographic information

The enhancement of geographic data through well defined semantic metadata – as expected by the INSPIRE initiative – together with the creation of comprehensive Spatial Data  Infrastructures (SDIs) contemplating the extensive re-use of geographic information, could contribute in solving the divulgation and accessibility problems concerned with geographic data. In this context, eSDI-Net+ task is to establish a Thematic Net working as
a communication and information exchange platform between different subjects involved in the creation and use of SDIs.



How to Cite

Redazione, R. (2008). eSDI-NET+: una rete tematica per l’arricchimento e il riuso dell’informazione geografica in Europa. GEOmedia, 12(2). Retrieved from