



Parole chiave:

ebla, geomagnetica, anomalia geofisica


Questo contributo introduce una importante scoperta archeologica raccontando la storia di un'anomalia geofisica. Non si tratta, tuttavia, di un racconto fantastico – che certo ancora potrebbe deliziare l'ironia ingenua di ogni tradizionale scetticismo – ma della vera storia che ha condotto infine alla scoperta.

From the automation of the geomagnetical record to the discover of the rock temple of Ebla - This paper introduces an important archeological discover born from a geophysical anomaly. The selected areas chosen to be verifi ed using Ground Penetrating Radar showed strong magnetic anomalies that indicated some important characteristics of the structures detected as in the eastern part of the southern geomagnetic survey (of Tell Mardikh – Ebla), where a presumed huge building is characterized by an high electromagnetic refl exivity and the absence of positive geomagnetic anomalies could indicate an hybrid structure, composed by mudbrick and limestone.


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Come citare

Ramazzotti, M. (2012). DALL’AUTOMAZIONE DEL RECORD GEOMAGNETICO ALLA SCOPERTA DEL TEMPIO DELLA ROCCIA (2400–2350 A.C. CIRCA). Archeomatica, 1. https://doi.org/10.48258/arc.v1i0.180


